Spending a lot of time at home these past two months. Doing a lot practicing on the horn and writing some new music.
Trying to "wrap my head" around css, xml, joomla, and nvu. I'm enjoying working on websites so much. But, I'm trying to learn these computer languages as fast as possible and getting a little frustrated sometimes cause it takes me so long to get very simple tasks done.
As I write I'm listening to CNN in the background. 7 bomb blasts in Mumbai, India. What's happening with the world?! A lot of insanity in the world right now. I don't know how much worse it has to get but, I feel a big change or shift coming. I hope something of beauty.
Can't believe how "caught up" in the pace of the "Tokyo lifestyle" I have been for 8 years. Since May, I've been staying at home as much as possible. I feel like I'm starting to get back in contact with something inside of me that I lost for several years. Definitely not taking this "thing" so seriously anymore. Life is so short. I just want to be simple. I want my life to be simple. My grandfather had a very quiet and simple life.
I still love playing the trumpet. The trumpet actually vibrates when you play it. I can feel the vibration in my head. When I'm very relaxed and the "flow" is there, I can feel the same vibration all through my body when playing the horn. I love that feeling.
As much as I love playing the horn, I now realize that creating is the thing that I'm really into. Could be a jazz solo, writing a new song, create a simple flyer for a gig, designing a web page, sketching, photography, making a video....whatever. Improvisation. Improvisation in life.