Reading (slowly) this book recently. I have been really interested over the past several years in the idea that my thoughts have energy. It's always seemed kind of magical to me how I think about something I want, something I want to do, a goal or dream, or maybe someone I want to talk to and often in a relatively short period of time, it begins to happen.
There has been "a buzz" recently about a new book and film called,
"The Secret". Both of these books are based off of the
Law of Attraction.
I really love the idea that we are all "vibrational beings". The higher your vibration, the easier it is to cause the serendipitous events to happen in your life. So, the next question for many is how to increase their vibration. In other books like,
Celestine Prophesy or
Deepak Chopra's, "Seven Spiritual Laws for Success", the answers seem to lie in connecting more with nature, doing meditation and quieting the mind.
『Ask and It Is Given (邦題:運命が好転する 実践スピリチュアル・トレーニング)』
最近、"The Secret" という新しい本と映画が話題になっている。これはどちらも「引力の法則」に基づくもの。
"The Secret"Law of AttractionCelestine ProphesyDeepak Chopra's, "Seven Spiritual Laws for Success"Ask and It Is Given