Yesterday, we (East/West Unit...Hakuei Kim, Jeff and Curry, Tsuda Keita and myself) had a great time doing 2 afternoon clinics and an evening concert in the Minami Ashigara Cultural Center Hall. At 2pm, we started with a clinic for about 100 elementary school students. They were so great to work with and very appreciative. We talked a little about the history of jazz and played some examples for them of music from New Orleans style to Duke Ellington and also funk and free jazz as well as swing/bebop. Because they brought their recorders, they were able to join us and jam a little on Ellington's C Jam Blues. We talked about how music can create different moods and feelings, especially while watching a movie. The students called out some feelings and/or situations for us and we played free and improvised on their feelings. It was a really fun creativity exercise. Around 3:30 another group of students came (Junior High School brass band). I had a nice time for about an hour listening to them and making comments. At 7pm we did an evening concert in the hall for a few hundred very supportive listeners. Since the hall was small, we played without any mics or p.a. It was nice to do an acoustic concert.
昨日私達は(East/West Unit...Hakuei Kim, Jeff Curry and Keita Tsuda)南足柄市文化会館でジャズクリニックとコンサートをしました。すごい楽しかった!昨日の午後は100人の小学生が来てくれた。ニューオーリエ ンズジャズの例をいくつか実演し、スイング期やビバップ期、フリージャズやファンクも実演した。フリージャズの時は、子供達にカンディンスキーの絵を見せ て、そこから思い浮かぶイメージを言ってもらい、バンドのメンバーにもその絵を見せて、そのイメージをもとに即興で曲を演奏する、という非常に面白い試み でした。ある時には、子供達に曲に合わせて手を叩かせて、立ってリズムを取らせたり。また、全員がリコーダーを持って来ていたので、デューク・エリントン の「C Jam Blues」を一緒に演奏し、更に前もって練習して来ていたホルストの「木星」をバンドも含めて全員で演奏。
夜は、ホールでのコンサート。何百人かのお客さんが来てくれました。普段は、このEast/West UnitのライブではECMのようなスタイルを即興でやったりしますが、今回は古いスタンダードナンバーをやりました。