Tokyo Nights
Life In Tokyo - Neil Stalnaker
AITEN & related Events - June 2009

A lot of events this coming weekend, but the
weekend after there is only one thing to
focus on - the AITEN gig Sunday 14th June
at What the Dickens. Please forward the
announcement to friends (email, Facebook,
Mixi, etc.), download the poster from our
website for notice boards, make it a
priority and attend. Also if you'd like
to volunteer to help in some way and can't
make our June 10 meeting, please email
Thanks for your support! See you there!

Wednesday, June 10th - AITEN monthly meeting
- AI Japan office Presentation on Burma.
Planning upcoming events. Starts 7:30

Sunday, June 14th AITEN Benefit Concert
"Rock for Human Rights in Myanmar"
What the Dickens, Ebisu. You know what to
expect - a great night out with live music,
raffle (DVD player top prize), a chance to do
something for the people of Myanmar/Burma, etc.
For details, see

Sunday, June 28th AITEN movie night -
Heaven's Door Shimokitazawa
"War/Dance" from 5 pm
See for details.

Sunday, June 28, 2009 Movie night in Kamakura
500 yen (at the door)
"Taxi to the Dark Side" from 6:30pm
Shogai Gakushu Center (3 mins walk from main
(east) JR exit)
Sponsor: Amnesty International Japan Kamakura group
Contact: 0468-24-8683 (Clara Birnbaum)

Taxi to the Dark Side
(English with Japanese subtitles)
Academy Award `08 for documentary
The truth behind Bagram Air Base, Abu Ghraib, and
Guantanamo Bay

December 1, 2002, Afghanistan - An innocent
taxi driver, Dilawar, carrying 3 passengers, was
stopped by US forces and taken to Bagram
Air Base. Held in extrajudicial detention and
brutally beaten to make
him confess to false charges, he died 5 days later.

Centering on the case of Dilawar, Taxi to the
Dark Side examines American policy and practice
on torture and interrogation. Through news footage,
photos, and interviews with top brass in the Bush
administration, interrogators, lawyers, and even
a former detainee, a story unfolds of extreme
abuse and misuse of authority...


Saturday June 6th Rhythm & Hope

From William Nealy :
This is to let you know and get you excited
about Refugee International Japan's Rhythm &
Hope event on June 6 in Tokyo! It's going
to be a lot of fun with music, film, fashion,
education and all
for an excellent cause!

* Sat. June 6, 2009
* 1pm- 9pm
* Takeshiba New Pier Hall, Tokyo
* Admission: ¥3,500 (or ¥3,000 from
me if you let me know soon!)
* Celebrating 30 years of Refugees
International Japan
* Musical presentations, ongoing workshops,
film screenings, fashion show, themed
multi-media exhibitions and African food booths.

Rhythm & Hope website:

(Even if you are not interested in the event,
check out the website!)

Fri/Sat/Sun June 5/6/7 Hatagaya, Tokyo.
Stage Play: "Honiefaith" When a Filipino hostess'
dismembered body is discovered in a Tokyo
coin locker, Manila newspaper reporter
Victor Balmori is dispatched to Japan. Balmori
is looking for a story,
he finds a nightmare...(Written by long-time
Tokyoite Monty DiPietro)

Tues /Weds June 12/13 Shinjuku.
Stage Play: "The Crossroads
Tickets 5,000 yen
...about the past 30 years of Afghan history.
Commissioned by the Embassy of Aghanistan

May 29-June 20
EU Film Days National Museum of Modern Art, Kyobashi

Bringing the best of European Cinema to Tokyo.
Just 500 yen per screening. (English) (Japanese)

Amnesty International Tokyo English Network (AITEN)

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