Tokyo Nights
Life In Tokyo - Neil Stalnaker
Friday, February 24, 2006
2/24/06 Up-and-Down......
Mannnnn....what's with this thing in Tokyo...every time my weight goes up or down I have tons of people pointing it out for me. In the last 2 weeks, I have had no less than 20 people tell me that I look fat! I've never told anybody that in my whole life. What's up with that? Do people actually think I'm not aware of my weight going up and down? Do they think I can't feel how uncomfortable my pants can get when my weight suddenly goes up 4 or 5 kilos in a month? And they look at me when they are commenting on my weight like I have some kind of character flaw or something.'s the deal. I have hypothyroidism. My thyroid has been weakened. How? From heavy daily doses of radiation to my neck and throat to treat cancer. The radiation messed up my thyroid and salivary glands and causes me to have a dry mouth (not cool for a trumpet player!!!), occasional cycles of manic-depression, weight gain, losing my teeth and other fun things.

So, my weight goes up...and it goes down. I'm still the same person. I'm still exercising. Still practicing the horn every day...still doin' my "thang".

Believe me....I don't need to be reminded. I'm intensely aware of the changes in my body. Need to find a "small talk" topic to use with 'bout the weather?