Tokyo Nights
Life In Tokyo - Neil Stalnaker
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
It's Finally Summer In Tokyo
Hello again
Well summer is finally here. Today was really hot and humid in Tokyo. I'm one of the crazy people in Tokyo that actually likes it when it's really hot and humid. I haven't turned on my a/c yet. This morning I finished the Open University session at Senzoku Gakuin. We had a nice 4 days. i worked with an ensemble of 6 members from Tokyo, Yokohama, Sendai, Okayama and Saitama. It was a pleasure to work with these young people. This morning all of the ensembles gave a concert. It was really amazing to see the improvement in them in only 4 days. Some students were painfully shy, others were very energetic and out-going. I noticed when we were trying to compose a group composition that most of the students were really afraid to express their creativity. I didn't know if they were to shy to express themsevles in front of each other or maybe just afraid to make a mistake. Anyway, it will be interesting to see which students come to Senzoku next year and then to see how they "open-up" over the next few years.

Recently, when I have had some freetime, I've been looking at some interesting things on the internet. I thought I would share a few interesting websites with you.

I don't know about you but, I have always been interested to hear airplane pilots communicating with the controller at the airport. I found the following links. Depending on the time of day that you listen, sometimes it's really active/busy.

New York-JFK-Tower
NASA Picture of the Day
New York City Police Department
FREE Online Videos at
type ANY word for the search

とうとう夏がやって来ましたね。今日は東京はすごく暑くて蒸しました。じつは私は、この暑さ蒸し暑さが大好きというヘンな人なのです。今年、ウチ ではまだエアコンを入れてません。今日の午前中で、洗足音大でのオープンスクールの日程を終えました。楽しい4日間でした。担当したのは、東京、横浜、仙 台、岡山、埼玉から参加した6人編成のアンサンブル。この若者達を担当できて、楽しかったです。今日の午前中に、参加した全てのアンサンブルが発表会をし たのですが、たった4日間での彼等の上達ぶりには本当に驚きました。痛々しいほどにシャイな子もいれば、エネルギッシュで積極的な子もいました。グループ で作曲しようとしている時に思ったのは、彼等のほとんどが、創造力を表現するのを怖がっていたということです。彼等が、お互いの前で自分を表現するのが恥 ずかしかったのか、もしくはただ単に間違えることを恐れていたのか、どうなんだろう?とにかく、どの子達が実際に来年洗足に入学し、そしてその子達が2、 3年中にどれだけ「開花」するか、とっても興味があります。



New York  JFK空港の管制塔:

NASA 今日の宇宙写真:

