Wow! Since last week, I've been so busy I haven't had time to do this blog. I can' believe how much it rained in August.
Last week, we (my Quartet) did a gig at
Kenny's in Ikebukuro with special guest Seiichi Nakamura.

This was a gig that I scheduled to help us get ready for our 8/28 concert in Omotesando as part of the Senzoku Music Showcase [photos] It was a lot of fun preparing for those gigs. I had to learn a lot of new songs, spent some time reading and studying about Horace Silver's life and rehearsing the band. It was so much fun actually, I think I'm going to keep the Horace Silver Project going. Here some photos of the sound-check at the Kawai Concert Salon in Omotesando, Tokyo.

Recently, I went to Shinjuku Goldengai to one of my favorite places in Tokyo to hang-out. The name of the shop is Nana [photos] It has a flamenco theme. It's a very small shop with some very unusual interior.

On Saturday 8/30, I spent most of the day walking around Omotesando, Harajuku and Aoyama taking photos, going to art galleries and meeting some really creative and interesting people.
I've heard that Laforet is really a center for creative pop culture in Japan. So, I spent some time walking around the building, looking in shops and noticing what people were wearing and buying.
Yes, that IS a condom shop called CONDOMANIA!!!

Pop culture center Laforet

After Laforet, I walked down the street and went into
GYRE ( I can't believe that building. So many beautiful shops, restaurants and galleries. I looked at an exhibition called Ecosophy. Next, I went into the Gallery White Room to see
Eikoh Hosoe's ( exhibition of beautiful black and white photos. After leaving the gallery, I went to the top floor and was looking at the outside of a restaurant called
Ukai-Tei ( The staff came out and invited me inside and gave me about a 20 minute tour. I was shocked! It was the nicest restaurant I've ever seen. Of course it's very expensive (about ¥25,000/person) for dinner. I can only hope that someday I will be able to go there for dinner. It is really an incredible place. My time in the
GYRE was unbelievably fun and surprising! I LOVE that building!
ラフォーレの後は、通りを下って、GYRE(という建物に入りました。信じられないビルでした。美しいショップやレストランやギャラリーがたくさん入っています。「Ecosophy」という展覧会を観てみました。次に、Gallery White Roomに行き、細江英公(の素晴らしい白黒写真展を鑑賞しました。ギャラリーを出て、最上階に行き、うかい亭(と いうレストランの外側を見ていました。ホールの係の方が出て来て、私を店内に入れてくれて、その上20分程の店内観覧ツアーをしてくれたんです。ものすご いショックでした!今まで見た中で一番素晴しいレストランでした。もちろんディナーのお値段は高い(25000円くらい)ですが。いつの日かそこへディ ナーを食べに行けるよう、ただ祈るばかりです。本当に素晴しい場所です。GYREで過ごしたひとときは、信じられないくらい楽しく、驚きがいっぱいでした。あのビル、大好きです!

When I left GYRE, I walked around a few back streets of Ometesando, taking pictures of interesting shops and buildings. I was looking for the
hpgrp GALLERY TOKYO ( As I was standing outside in front of the gallery, a young guy walked past and invited me in. After a few minutes I went in and was surprised to find that the guy was
RYOONO. It was his exhibition! We had a nice chat for about 30 minutes and he was even kind enough to take a photo with me in front of one his incredible paintings.
GYREを出たら、今度は表参道の裏道を何本か歩き、面白そうなショップやビルの写真を撮りました。hpgrp GALLERY TOKYO( を探していたんです。そこのギャラリーの外に立っていたら、若い男性が通り、私を中に招いてくれました。中に入ってしばらくして、この男性がRYOONOだったとわかり、ビックリしました。これは彼の展覧会だったんです!30分ほどお話をして、親切にも彼の作品の前で私と写真まで撮ってくださいました。νmber=3155265052&page=1

We had a nice conversation about creativity, art and music, live performance and many other things.
私達は、クリエイティビティや、芸術、音楽、ライブパフォーマンスなどいろいろな事について、楽しく話をしました。Next, I went to
Gallery 360 ( to see photographer
Kyoko Nakashima's ( exhibition. It was nice to have a few minutes to talk with her also. She is very kind. I purchased one of her books of photos and have been enjoying them the past few days. I think she is going to Paris soon to do another exhibition.
次に、Gallery 360(に行き、永島京子さん(という写真家の展覧会を観ました。彼女とも少しお話ができてよかったです。やさしい方でした。彼女の写真のカタログを一冊購入し、ここ何日か眺めて楽しんでいます。彼女はもうすぐパリに行き、別の展覧会を開くとのこと。 
Well, by this time, I was getting kind of tired. So, I walked around a little more taking photos until it started to rain really hard. It was so fun and interesting to feed my mind with new and creative things on Saturday. I'll have all week to think about these things, check websites of the artists and the galleries and shops I visited and plan my next day out. Tokyo Nights http://neilstalnaker.blogspot.com!!! Myspace Music gallery 360, gyre, hpgrp gallery tokyo, kawai, kyoko nagashima, omotesando, ryoono, senzoku, tokyo, tokyo art beat, tokyo jazz, tokyo magazines, ukai-tei