Time: September 8, 2008 from 6pm to 11:30pm
Location: Daikanyama Tableaux
Street: Sunroser Daikanyama B1, 11-6 Sarugaku-cho Shibuya-ku
City/Town: Tokyo 150-0033
Website or Map: http://www.tableaux.jp
Contact Info: 03-5489-2201
Event Type: Networking, and, Idea-sharing, Party, for, Creative, Business, People
Organized By: Jon Lynch
Latest Activity: 3 hours ago
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Event Description
(English Below)
9月8日(18:00〜23:30)に代官山TABLEAUXにて毎月恒例のネットワーキングイベントBiz Niteを開催いたします。 この会場は美しくて、広いパティオもあり、美味しい飲み物と料理がリーズナブルな価格でお楽しみ頂けます。このイベントでは毎月のクリエイティブ組織のコンテンツと一緒に、オーストラリアの現代のファッションと文化のテーマに沿ったコンテンツもあります。是非ご参加下さい!広告、アート、DJ、デザイン、エコ、ファッション、映画、音楽、インターネット、スポーツ、VJ、健康ビジネス等にスポットを当て、 200名以上の参加者が3ヶ所のプレゼンテーションスペースを利用して情報や意見交換を行います。
18:00-22:30 3つのスペースで同時にプレゼンテーションとディスカッション:
22:00-23:30 ラウンジDJs: James Carstensen (Tokyo Electro: オーストラリアの音楽も含める特別ミックス) もっと詳しい情報(英語と日本語)はwww.stereojapan.comとbiznites.ning.comにあります。アクセス:代官山 Tableaux , 150-0033 東京都渋谷区猿楽町11-6 サンローゼ代官山B1 www.tableaux.jp 03-5489-2201
* ところで、ボランティアとして、Biz Nitesのクリエイティブ・ネットワーキング・イベントやTigerの音楽イベントに力添え願えますか?(イベント当日、またはオンライン作業で、月に数時間でも助かります。)info@tigermusic.jpにてご連絡をください。.)
9/8 (Mon) ‘Australian Flavor’ BiZ NITE CONTENTS
18:00-22:30 Presentations & Discussions in Three Spaces:
• Art Biz: “Live Painting with DJ” Hiraoki Koshiba (Sound vs Color - hiroakikoshiba.web.fc2.com)
• Ad Biz: “Outdoor advertising Aussie style” Mark Long, Charles Thirwall. (Look Media)
• Fashion Biz: “Tokyo Made funky street fashion and accessories red carpet show” (www.tokyomade.com)
• I.T. Biz: “TangoTown - It’s like carrying a Japanese teacher in your pocket” Tracey Northcott (tangotown.jp)
• Net Biz: "Launch of Japan-i English/Chinese/TaiwaneseKorean Travel Media - and call for Staff and Volunteer Writers, Editors and Photographers" - Jon Lynch (japan-i.jp)
• Movie Biz: info soon
• Music Biz: “Trumpet playing on the Tokyo jazz scene – an inspirational story (Presentation and live music performance)” – Neil Stalnaker (www.neilstalnaker.com)
• Photo Biz: “Martine Cotton Photography: launch of www.martinecotton.com” Martine Cotton (www.martinecotton.com)
• Success Biz: info soon
22:00-23:30 LOUNGE DJs: James Carstensen (Tokyo Electro) plays Electro and Australian classics...
Please join us at BiZ NITE – Tokyo’s fastest growing networking event for creative business people - on Monday 8 September at Daikanyama Tableaux, 18:00-23:30, with an 'Australian Flavor'. The venue has a beautiful atmosphere with an outdoor courtyard, great food and reasonably priced drinks.
In addition to our regular content, BiZ NITE will host presentations about contemporary Australian music and culture, and about Australians' creative business activities in Japan. We expect about 300 people to attend presentations and get-togethers in three spaces for people working in an A-Z of creative communities, including ad, art, DJ, design, eco, fashion, movie, music, net, sport, success, VJ, wellness industries.
Entry: Advance: 1000 yen / Door 1500 yen, (Buffet dinner 1500 yen. Australian drinks and food at special prices) (To qualify for advance, please sign up as a member at biznites.ning.com
Regular Biz Nite parties for an A-Z of creative industries are held monthly at Daikanyama Tableaux on Mondays including 10/20 (Hawaiian Flavor), 11/17 (Canadian Flavor), 12/15 (African Flavor) , 1/26 (Indian Flavor), 2/16 (German Flavor), 3/9 (Latin American Flavor)...
Also, Focus Biz Nites on Tuesdays at Daikanyama Tableaux include 9/30 Photo Nite (100 photographers gallery and presentations), 10/7 Eizo Nite (For cameramen, movie-makers, VJs, animators and TV directors), 11/4 Ad Nite (For Agencies, Brand Managers and Marketing People) and next 12/2 Photo Nite (For nature photographers) with Eco Nite.