Tokyo Nights
Life In Tokyo - Neil Stalnaker
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
A Great Week...
I had 4 very nice and very different gigs this week. Had an opportunity to play some great original music with some really creative people. On Saturday, I'll continue this interesting time in Osaka with the jillDECOY band at 2nd Line.
Monday, June 26, 2006

Clifford Brown 50th Birthday Tribute
Shinjuku Jazz Spot J
Tetsuya Tatsumi - trumpet/leader
Neil Stalnaker - trumpet
Makoto Terashita - piano
Jeff Curry - bass
Mike Reznikoff -drums

Saturday, June 24, 2006

I've been planning to change hosts for a long time. I've been using for about 3 years. During the past year I got a lot of email from people telling me that my site was "down". After doing some checking, I found that a lot of customers were having similar problems. So, I decided to make a change. However my domain name was transferred a little faster than I expected and I haven't had the time to completely update this new site. Sorryyyy.......

Thursday, June 22, 2006
A Really Bad Day.......

I could have sworn I hit the brake pedal!
Car upside down In the bay - see guy standing on it?
Call out the wrecker!

Coming back up...coming..coming

Coming...almost there!


I could have sworn I set the brakes on that truck!
Time to get a Bigger Wrecker!

O...O...oohhh No!!
Who's gonna explain this one to the insurance guys?

Friday, June 16, 2006

Tuesday, June 20
8pm and 9:30pm

Neil - trumpet
Makoto Terashita - piano
"Gami" - bass
Mike Reznikoff - drums


Music charge: \2500

Music: "straight-ahead" jazz-bebop-originals-monk-wayne shorter-etc

Monday, June 12, 2006
Is My Son Handsome Or What?!!!

I was checking Louie's pics on his "myspace" page today. He's busy playing alot of soccer these days all over the east coast. Just got back from a trip to Costa Rica recently. He's growing up so fast! I hope he comes to see me soon....

I stumbled on to actress Daryl Hannan's Vlog this morning. It's pretty cool. I was really impressed with her video, "Bio-Diesel", on using vegetable oil to fuel her car!!! Click here to find that video.

Spent the afternoon at the Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum today. I went to see the collection brought from the Prado Museum of Fine Art in Madrid, Spain. Saw a lot of amazing 15-17th century Italian pieces. The museum was too crowded. If you go, please don't go on a Saturday.
Saturday, June 10, 2006
6/9/06 Reading A Great Book........

I'm reading, "Creativity Unleashing the Forces Within" by Osho.

Creativity is a very paradoxical state of conciousness and being. It is action through inaction, it is what Lao Tzu calls wei-wu-wei. It is allowing something to happen through you. It is not doing, it is an allowing. It is becoming a passage so the whole can flow through you. It is becoming a hollow bamboo, just a hollow bamboo.

And then immediately something starts happening, because hidden behind man is God. Just give him a little way, a little passage, to come through you. That is creativity-allowing God to happen is creativity.

Creativity simply means you are in a total relaxation-because out of relaxation much action will be born. But that will not be your doing, you will be just a vehicle. A song will start coming through you.-you are not the creator of it. It always comes from the beyond. When you create it, it is just ordinary, mundane. When it comes through you it has superb beauty, it brings something of the unknown in it.

Creativity, Unleashing the Forces Within (pg 32)

Thursday, June 08, 2006
6/7/06 Bandwidth Test
Are you wondering about the speed of your ISP (internet server)? Got a email from CNET today that provides a test to check the speed. I'm using PowerPoint in Tokyo and the test result was 1044 kbps. I had to enter my area code from the USA to complete the form.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006
Vasily Kandinsky is my favorite (or one of my favorite) artist. Another one of the reasons that I enjoy Kandinsky so much is that idea he had about color. After hearing Wagner's LOHENGRIN in Moscow, he realized that there really is a relationship between colors and sounds...a real relationship bewteen art and music. Listening to Wagner, Shonberg, Scriabin and others he knew that he could express emotions through colors as these composers had through sound.

This is what I'm usually thinking about when I'm writing a new song.....playing...or trying to create a "vibe" in a gig. How to have the listener feel different emotions throughout a gig? Happiness, anger, tension, sadness, loneliness, etc. The notes, harmonies and rhythms that we select can have a real emotional effect on the listener.

If we play the same kind of rhythms...same kind of harmonies...I think we keep projecting the same old emotions to the listener. That's seems like a complete waste to me.

At this point, I don't really care if anyone thinks I'm a good trumpet player. It's all about the emotion.

I want to be a magician (with sound-pitch-harmony-melody-rhythm) instead of musician....

カ ンディンスキーが好きなもう一つの理由は、彼の、色に対する考え方です。彼はモスクワで、ワーグナーの「ローエングリン」を聴いて、色と音、つまり絵画 と音楽には実際に関連性があることに気づきました。ワーグナー、シェーンベルク、スクリャービンらを聴き、彼はこれらの作曲家が音によって表したように、 色によって感情を表現できるのだと確信したのです。





Kandinsky ONLINE
Monday, June 05, 2006
6/5/06 Why I Got Into Music.....
Sometimes after I've had a few gigs in a row that had only a few customers, I start to feel a temptation to change my music in a way that might attract higher numbers of customers/listeners or I feel an urge to take a "bgm" gig in a hotel that would bring in a higher and more steady income. But, after a while, I come back to the feelings that got me excited about being a musician 30 years ago. I know now, I have to make "my music." If I can't do that in a way that helps me to make a living then, I'll do something else in addition to making music. After going through cancer and everything attached to that situation, including being told that I would never play again, I see this as my "second chance." A "wake-up" call......
Sunday, June 04, 2006

a little bored in Toyko......