Tokyo Nights
Life In Tokyo - Neil Stalnaker
Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Second Life
Second Life is a 3D Online Digital World
Check it out!!!!

Second Life

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Wednesday, January 24, 2007
1/25/07 Yokohama....AIREGIN!!!!!
Tuesday, January 16, 2007

I've been using Shinsei Bank for about 3 years. I have accounts several other major Japanese Banks but, Shinsei is just a whole level above the rest. This bank has quite a history which I suspect scares some (extremely) conservative Japanese customers away. At Shinsei, you can actually walk up to an ATM on a holiday and withdraw money! I was shocked when I first came to Japan and they had the usual 1 week Golden Week Holiday in May and I couldn't get money out of the bank.

The book cover above is from, "Saving The Sun." This a great book which describes Shinsei Banks' unusual history. Definitely check it out. It not only gives a great "blow by blow" history of the bank but, also gives incredible insights into Japanese culture and the business/political world.

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Saturday, January 13, 2007
Kagoshima, Japan Volcano Sakurajima

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Thursday, January 11, 2007
Bush wants another $100,000,000,000 ($100 Billion) to send to Iraq.

46 million Americans have NO health insurance.

2004 - Average health insurance monthly cost for an individual - $308

46 million Americans have NO health insurance.

Bush's $100 Billion for Iraq will purchase health insurance for 27 million people for an entire year. Or pay college cost (Room/board/tuition to public university-2003 average cost $9800) for 10 million students for a year.

46 million Americans have NO health insurance.
Monday, January 08, 2007
Seijin no hi (Coming of Age Festival)

Celebrated on the second Monday of January. The holiday is for all young people 20 years old. In Japan, 20 years years old is thought of as the year one enters adulthood. You can see young Japanese women wearing kimonos on this day.
Sunday, January 07, 2007
jazz inn LOVELY - Nagoya, Japan 1/24/07
Thursday, January 04, 2007
I'm happy to see some anti-war voices taking a stand and being heard. Check out the video.

Click Here
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
Nice First Day
Yesterday was great. I can't remember ever talking to so many friends in one day. Usually, January 1 is a very quiet day for me in Japan. Everyone is with family in their hometowns. Tokyo is usually so quiet. It seems to be a lot like Thanksgiving time in the USA. This year for the first time in 10 years, I went through the holiday season (from Thanksgiving to New Years) without feeling depressed. I'm so optimistic about '07. Actually, I always enjoy the few days at the end of December and the first week of January because it's a time when I start thinking about what I want to accomplish during the next year. I love sitting down with a notebook and brainstorming new ideas about the future.

昨日は嬉しかった。一日のうちにこんなにたくさんの友人と話をしたことがあったろうか!たいがい、日本にいる僕にとって、1月1日は寂しい日なのです。知 り合いはほとんど、それぞれの故郷で家族と過ごしますし。いつも東京都内はとっても静かですよね。どちらかというと、アメリカの感謝祭の雰囲気に似ていま す。ここ10年のうちで初めて、この祝祭期(感謝祭から年明けまで)をさほど落ち込む事なく過ごす事ができました。2007年はきっと良い年になると楽観 してます。年末の数日から年明けの一週間にかけてというのは、次の一年に達成したいことを考え始める時期で、いつもワクワクします。ノート片手に椅子に座 り、今後に向けての新しいアイデアをあれやこれやと考えるのが楽しくてたまらないんです。