Tokyo Nights
Life In Tokyo - Neil Stalnaker
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Jimmy Howard
I just found out tonight that one of my favorite trumpet players and friend has died.

I first heard Jimmy Howard when I was a student at West Virginia University around 1980. Jimmy was jazz trumpet soloist with the U.S. Navy Commodores Big Band from Washington, D.C.

The band came through West Virginia sometime around 1981. Larry Skinner (also a great trumpet player) was leading the band. In the afternoon, they did a trumpet section clinic for us at West Virginia University. In the evening the "Commodores" did a concert in the main concert hall at the Creative Arts Center at WVU. My friends and I were "blown away" with the band. Yeah, sure we had heard all the big bands coming through on tours. But, on that night, in that hall there was something great happening!

I think they were playing "Secret Love", and Jimmy comes out from the trumpet section to the front of the band. The two bar break into his solo practically knocked me out of my seat. Needless to say, Jimmy Howard played his a-- off that night. I kind of joked later and said to me friends, "Man I would give anything to play in that band or a band like that!" It was just a matter of months later that I got a call at 10am from Jeff Taylor to rush over to the Pentagon and do a concert with the Commodores, playing Jimmy's 3rd trumpet book! I had been in the Navy Ceremonial Band for about 6 months attached to White House and Pentagon activites around Washington, D.C.

I remember in the summer of '82, doing basic training in Orlando before I went to Washington, D.C. Towards the end of the 8 weeks, I had a day of vacation so I went to Disney World. I got a chance to hear Jimmy and talk with him during his break. Jimmy had retired from the "Commodores a year or two before and moved to Orlando, Florida to work full-time for Disney. He laid some words of wisdom on me that always helped me "keep my head together" when I was living in D.C. A few years later, Jimmy left the Disney gig and moved back to D.C. We met up several times for jam sessions at the Navy Yard Club. He was always teaching me but, not with words....with his horn.

Jimmy could play all over the horn. He had great chops. But for me, He was REAL. He didn't bullshit. His music was honest and real. It really affected me to be around someone like that. From Jimmy, I learned about "telling a story" and doing it with "soul" and "passion." Lastly, as much trumpet as Jimmy played, he was so humble about it.

I'm just happy that I had the opportunity to meet him. Jimmy Howard is the "real deal."



バンドがウェストヴァージニアに廻って来たのは、確か1981年だったと思います。ラリー・スキナー(彼もまた素晴らしいトランぺッター)がリーダーでし た。その日の午後、West Virginia Universityでトランペットセクションのクリニックをしてくれて、夜にWVUクリエイティブ・アート・センターのメインホールで「コモドアーズ」 のコンサートがありました。私と友人達は、バンドのレベルに「ぶっ飛んで」しまいました。そりゃあ、もちろんツアーで回って来るビッグバンドはひと通り聴 いてましたよ。でもその晩、そのホールでの音楽には、本当に特別な何かがあったのです!

確か、曲は「Secret Love」だったと思いますが、ジミーがトランペットセクションからバンドの前に出て来ました。ソロの最初の2小節で、私は文字通り、椅子から落っこちて しまったのです。その晩ジミー・ハワードがノリにのっていたことは疑う余地なし。後で友人に冗談で言ったのが、「このバンドか、このぐらいのレベルのバン ドで演奏できるなら、全てを投げ打ってもいいんだけどな!」そして、その数ヶ月後のある日の午前10時。ジェフ・テイラーから電話があり、ペンタゴン(国 防総省)に急遽呼び出され、コモドアーズの一員としてコンサートをすることに。何と、それがジミーの3rdのパートだったんです!その後、6ヶ月ほど海軍 式典楽団に所属し、ワシントンD.C.エリアでホワイトハウスとペンタゴン関連の仕事をしました。

そしてそこで、彼の演奏を聴き、休憩中の彼と話をする機会がありました。ジミーはその1、2年前コモドアーズを引退し、ディズニーでのフルタイムの仕事の ため、フロリダのオーランドに引っ越したのでした。その時、彼からもらった教訓は、ワシントンD.C.に住んでいる時に「集中を保つ」のに役立ったもので す。数年後、彼はディズニーの仕事を終え、またD.C.に戻って来ました。何度かネイビーヤードクラブでのジャムセッションで一緒になったりしました。彼 はいつも私を指導してくれた。言葉ではなく、楽器で。

ジミーは楽器をあらゆる面でマスターしており、あご唇も強かった。しかしそれだけではなく、私にとって、彼は「本物」だったのです。決して偽らない。彼の 音楽は正直で、真実でした。彼のような人と接することができ、感動でしたし、影響も受けました。私に、楽器で「物語る」ことと、さらに「魂」と「情熱」を 込めて物語る、ということを教えてくれたのは、ジミーなのです。最後にもう一つ。ジミーは、あれだけすごいトランペットを吹く割には、その事に対してもの すごく謙虚でした。

Friday, August 25, 2006
Back in Tokyo.......

During the past week, I've been in Sendai, Sapporo, Gifu and Nagoya. Sapporo and Nagoya are two of my favorite cities in Japan. This was my first time to Gifu and Sendai.

In Sendai, I played with some good, young musicians. Club was full and we had a nice jam session after the LIVE. I must thank Miho Horino for doing such a great job setting-up the gig. She is a really good blues singer/guitar player. She is still in high school! Next year she will be going to North Texas State University.

On Saturday, I performed in Sapporo at Slow Boat with Ryo Fukui's Trio. I always enjoy playing with those guys. A few weeks ago, Ryo hosted the legendary bebop pianist, Barry Harris.

Sunday I flew to Gifu and caught up with Tokyo pianist Jonathan Katz. We played in a quartet at a cool jazz cafe called, Cafe Bagu. Played some nice music and met a lot of really nice people.

Monday we moved the band to Star Eyes in Nagoya. A nice, young vocalist named Akane joined us for a fun evening of "standards."

During the next week, I will continue this tour with gigs in Miyazaki, Kagoshima and Fukuoka. Also, I have 2 performances at the Tokyo Jazz Festival and a gig at the Artists cafe on the 43rd floor of the Tokyo Dome Hotel while I'm in Tokyo for a few days.

仙台では、若くて素晴らしいミュージシャン達と共演しました。ライブハウスは満員。ライブの後のジャムセッションも楽しかったです。このライブをセッティ ングしてくれた、ほりのみほさんに感謝です。よくやってくれました。彼女は、素晴らしいブルースシンガーでありギタリストなのですが、まだ高校生なので す!来年ノース・テキサス州立大に進むんですよ。

土曜日は、札幌のSLOW BOAT で福居良トリオとの共演。彼等と一緒に演奏するのは、いつも楽しいです。1、2週間前に福居さんは伝説的なビバップピアニスト、バリー・ハリスを招いたばかり。

日曜日、岐阜に飛び、東京在住のピアニスト、ジョナサン・カッツと合流。Cafe BAGU というクールなカフェでカルテットでの演奏。良い音楽でしたし、たくさんの素敵な人達と出会いました。

月曜日は、名古屋のStar Eyes へバンドごと移動。若く素敵なシンガー中垣アカネさんと共に、楽しいスタンダードの一夜でした。


Friday, August 18, 2006
Hittin The Road...
In a few hours I'm catching an early morning train to Sendai, Japan. This is my first trip to Sendai. I've heard great things about it for many years. I'm really looking forward to this trip. I play in Sendai tomorrow night, Sapporo on Saturday, Gifu on Sunday, Nagoya on Monday and back to Tokyo for a Tuesday night gig and Yokohama on Wednesday. Sapporo and Nagoya are two of my favorite places in Japan. This is my first trip to Gifu, also.
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
Sooo Busy
Sooo busy this week. I'm trying to learn, absorb and memorize about 30 new songs for gigs I have this next week with about 6-8 different bands. At first it feels impossible. But, I keep rotating from the computer (taking care of other business related things) to the trumpet and/or piano and then out for a walk or just a few minutes break and back to listening and then start the whole cycle over again. You kind of go through a period where you feel like you're losing it. It feels like you drowning under too much information. But then I reach a point where I can really feel myself retaining the information. It's so easy to just give up and quit during this process. But, if you just persist and continue on, it's amazing how much you can learn in a short period. The hardest thing for me is to just have the confidence that I can do it and relax and not get overwhelmed. Also, I don't spend too much time on any one thing...only a few minutes and then on to something else. I don't want my mind to get too tired and want to give up
Monday, August 14, 2006
My Other (Long Lost) Passion

I can't believe it! I found a "pool hall" across the street from SATY (Japan department store chain). I walk to SATY everyday and usually stop in to Starbucks for a coffee/tea and do some reading.

When I was in high school, my girlfriend's father had a great pool table. He was really a master pool player. I played against him almost everyday for about two years and never could beat him. During that time, I was also stopping in to play at a great little "pool hall" called Wimpy's in my hometown. It just had the perfect "vibe" for playing and some nice tables with great lighting. I think I was paying about $.25 per game to play. I met some really good older players there.

I felt like I was able to learn a lot of "life lessons" from these older players. Compared to the younger guys, the older players played a much more thoughtful and sophisticated game. I knew guys that could look at the table and think many shots ahead. They didn't bang around and hit the balls so hard. They were so smooth and skilled. They didn't have a cocky, arrogant attitude. Haha...they would just very quietly, very methodically "cut you up into little pieces on the table...kind of do surgery on you. These guys played pool like it was an art. Their style was sophisticated. They took their time. They weren't in any hurry. Later, I was able to see all the same qualities in many older jazz musicians. I met the great 1st trumpet player of the Boston Symphony, Armando Ghitalla around 1981 and played the Hindemith Trumpet Sonata for him. He was the same. A master. In the late 1980's, early '90's I worked with my Dad. We were lumber brokers. I saw the same qualities in him...a real master at what he does.

So, tonight after not having played for about 15-20 years, I was able to play a few games. And so near my house! I'm excited!

高校生の時に付き合っていたガールフレンドの父親が、立派なビリヤードテーブルを持っていた。彼はまさに、ビリヤードの達人。2年ほど、毎日のよ うに彼とプレイしたが、一度も勝てずじまい。その頃、地元の「ウィンピーズ」という小さなビリヤード場にも通ったものだ。そこは雰囲気が完璧で、テーブル も照明も文句なし。その頃で、1ゲーム25セント。そこで年配の素晴らしいプレイヤー達にも出会った。

そこのプレイヤーには、「人生におけるレッスン」を教えてもらったような気がする。若者達に比べ、彼等は、思慮深く精巧にゲームを運ぶ。テーブル を見ただけで、何ショットも先まで読めるような人達もいたものだ。彼等は決して手荒にボールを打ち回さない。そのプレイはスムーズで、熟練されていた。生 意気で傲慢な態度など見せない。はは・・。彼等は静かに手順よく相手を小さく切り刻む・・まるで手術のように。こういう連中は、まるで芸術のようにプレイ する。彼等のスタイルは洗練されていた。ゆっくり間を取る、あわてない。後に、老練のジャズミュージシャンにもこれらのスタイルを見て取れた。1981年 頃ボストン交響楽団の1stトランペット、アルマンド・ギタッラに会い、ヒンデミスのトランペットソナタを吹いたことがあるが、彼も同じ。達人。80年代 後半から90年代初めまで、私は父と仕事をした。材木ブローカーなのだが、父にも同じ特質があった。自分の領域での、まさに達人。

Thursday, August 10, 2006
August 10, 2006
Tokyo, Japan

I was watching this beautiful sunset out my window today. I ran and set-up my video camera to try and capture the sunset and then I loaded it on the computer and added a track from my CD.


Wednesday, August 09, 2006
Live At KoKo Tonight (8-8-06)

Had a fun gig tonight at KoKo in Shibuya with my band "n3."
Mike Reznikoff-drums
Katsuto Suzuki-bass

Had a nice surprise from my students Yuichi and Yuko. They came to the gig and sat-in on several songs. I'm very happy to have students come and sit-in with me.

Monday, August 07, 2006
R&B LIVE @ Blues Alley Tokyo
Photos From Akaikarasu Gig 8/4/06

I enjoyed that gig sooooooo much!
Sunday, August 06, 2006
Just messin' around in my room with the Mac & trumpet

MP3 File
Thursday, August 03, 2006
A truly great singer....I was looking at Frank Legree's website today. Check him out. He's doing great work here in Japan. We have been trying to hook-up. I'm trying to get him out on a gig with my band, East/West Unit. Hopefully, our schedules will permit sometime soon!

Frank Legree's Website
Frank Legree on MySpace
Frank Legree Interview on AccessEOnline
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
Please read this! It may help you or someone you know. An email recently sent to me.....

"In October of 2001, my sister started getting very sick. She had stomach spasms and she was having a hard time getting around. Walking was a major chore. It took everything she had just to get out
bed; she was in so much pain.

By March 2002, she had undergone several tissue and muscle biopsies and was on 24 various prescription medications. The doctors could not determine what was wrong with her. She was in so much pain, and so sick...she just knew she was dying.

She put her house, bank accounts, life insurance, etc., in her oldest daughters name, and made sure that her younger children were to be taken care of.. She also wanted her last hooray, so she planned a trip to FL (basically in a wheelchair) for March 22nd.

On March 19th I called her to ask how her most recent tests went, and she said they didn't find anything on the test, but they believe she had MS. (Multiple Sclerosis)........more
(click here)
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
It's Finally Summer In Tokyo
Hello again
Well summer is finally here. Today was really hot and humid in Tokyo. I'm one of the crazy people in Tokyo that actually likes it when it's really hot and humid. I haven't turned on my a/c yet. This morning I finished the Open University session at Senzoku Gakuin. We had a nice 4 days. i worked with an ensemble of 6 members from Tokyo, Yokohama, Sendai, Okayama and Saitama. It was a pleasure to work with these young people. This morning all of the ensembles gave a concert. It was really amazing to see the improvement in them in only 4 days. Some students were painfully shy, others were very energetic and out-going. I noticed when we were trying to compose a group composition that most of the students were really afraid to express their creativity. I didn't know if they were to shy to express themsevles in front of each other or maybe just afraid to make a mistake. Anyway, it will be interesting to see which students come to Senzoku next year and then to see how they "open-up" over the next few years.

Recently, when I have had some freetime, I've been looking at some interesting things on the internet. I thought I would share a few interesting websites with you.

I don't know about you but, I have always been interested to hear airplane pilots communicating with the controller at the airport. I found the following links. Depending on the time of day that you listen, sometimes it's really active/busy.

New York-JFK-Tower
NASA Picture of the Day
New York City Police Department
FREE Online Videos at
type ANY word for the search

とうとう夏がやって来ましたね。今日は東京はすごく暑くて蒸しました。じつは私は、この暑さ蒸し暑さが大好きというヘンな人なのです。今年、ウチ ではまだエアコンを入れてません。今日の午前中で、洗足音大でのオープンスクールの日程を終えました。楽しい4日間でした。担当したのは、東京、横浜、仙 台、岡山、埼玉から参加した6人編成のアンサンブル。この若者達を担当できて、楽しかったです。今日の午前中に、参加した全てのアンサンブルが発表会をし たのですが、たった4日間での彼等の上達ぶりには本当に驚きました。痛々しいほどにシャイな子もいれば、エネルギッシュで積極的な子もいました。グループ で作曲しようとしている時に思ったのは、彼等のほとんどが、創造力を表現するのを怖がっていたということです。彼等が、お互いの前で自分を表現するのが恥 ずかしかったのか、もしくはただ単に間違えることを恐れていたのか、どうなんだろう?とにかく、どの子達が実際に来年洗足に入学し、そしてその子達が2、 3年中にどれだけ「開花」するか、とっても興味があります。



New York  JFK空港の管制塔:

NASA 今日の宇宙写真:

