I can't believe it! I found a "pool hall" across the street from SATY (Japan department store chain). I walk to SATY everyday and usually stop in to Starbucks for a coffee/tea and do some reading.
When I was in high school, my girlfriend's father had a great pool table. He was really a master pool player. I played against him almost everyday for about two years and never could beat him. During that time, I was also stopping in to play at a great little "pool hall" called Wimpy's in my hometown. It just had the perfect "vibe" for playing and some nice tables with great lighting. I think I was paying about $.25 per game to play. I met some really good older players there.
I felt like I was able to learn a lot of "life lessons" from these older players. Compared to the younger guys, the older players played a much more thoughtful and sophisticated game. I knew guys that could look at the table and think many shots ahead. They didn't bang around and hit the balls so hard. They were so smooth and skilled. They didn't have a cocky, arrogant attitude. Haha...they would just very quietly, very methodically "cut you up into little pieces on the table...kind of do surgery on you. These guys played pool like it was an art. Their style was sophisticated. They took their time. They weren't in any hurry. Later, I was able to see all the same qualities in many older jazz musicians. I met the great 1st trumpet player of the Boston Symphony, Armando Ghitalla around 1981 and played the Hindemith Trumpet Sonata for him. He was the same. A master. In the late 1980's, early '90's I worked with my Dad. We were lumber brokers. I saw the same qualities in him...a real master at what he does.
So, tonight after not having played for about 15-20 years, I was able to play a few games. And so near my house! I'm excited!
高校生の時に付き合っていたガールフレンドの父親が、立派なビリヤードテーブルを持っていた。彼はまさに、ビリヤードの達人。2年ほど、毎日のよ うに彼とプレイしたが、一度も勝てずじまい。その頃、地元の「ウィンピーズ」という小さなビリヤード場にも通ったものだ。そこは雰囲気が完璧で、テーブル も照明も文句なし。その頃で、1ゲーム25セント。そこで年配の素晴らしいプレイヤー達にも出会った。
そこのプレイヤーには、「人生におけるレッスン」を教えてもらったような気がする。若者達に比べ、彼等は、思慮深く精巧にゲームを運ぶ。テーブル を見ただけで、何ショットも先まで読めるような人達もいたものだ。彼等は決して手荒にボールを打ち回さない。そのプレイはスムーズで、熟練されていた。生 意気で傲慢な態度など見せない。はは・・。彼等は静かに手順よく相手を小さく切り刻む・・まるで手術のように。こういう連中は、まるで芸術のようにプレイ する。彼等のスタイルは洗練されていた。ゆっくり間を取る、あわてない。後に、老練のジャズミュージシャンにもこれらのスタイルを見て取れた。1981年 頃ボストン交響楽団の1stトランペット、アルマンド・ギタッラに会い、ヒンデミスのトランペットソナタを吹いたことがあるが、彼も同じ。達人。80年代 後半から90年代初めまで、私は父と仕事をした。材木ブローカーなのだが、父にも同じ特質があった。自分の領域での、まさに達人。