Tokyo Nights
Life In Tokyo - Neil Stalnaker
Sunday, July 31, 2005
Sometimes you're the pigeon, sometimes you're the statue. Once I was waiting for a bus outside the Philadelphia bus station. I looked up and saw a pigeon on the ledge of a 2nd floor window. Just about that time, that damn pigeon unloaded on me....SPLAT!!!.....literally I was the statue that day in Philadelphia.
Saturday, July 30, 2005
Does This Blog Always Have To be Positive.......?

I just got home. Took that disgusting TobuTojo line train from Ikebukuro. My biggest fear is not earthquakes or a train crash, it's some damn drunk standing over me while I'm sitting on the train and puking on me. I'm 46 years old. I've lived in Tokyo for 7 years and I've seen more puke and vomiting in 7 years than I did in 39 years before that. Is that not strange? Maybe it's not. A lot of foreigners that I know pretend like it doesn't exist. Today I was walking with my girlfriend. Hell, we couldn't even take a walk together. One of us had to walk behind the other because of the damn bicycles ringing their bells wanting us to get out of the way. EXCUSE ME! I thought sidewalk meant....side....walk! Hell, even in my hometown...back in the mountains of West Virginia (which other Americans, I meet, think is such a backward place) they outlawed the use of bicycles on the sidewalks 25 years ago. There were too many accidents happening. What's with the Tokyo city government? And while I'm on a rant, what's up with this "thing" in Tokyo about "image" in the music business? I play in a famous hotel club here where they have given me hell for using Japanese musicians. If I use blond-haired blue-eyed or black musicians they are tickled pink (that means very happy for all of you ESL students). They think it's "cool". I said it's racist. No, no..they said it's just an image "thing". I in 1955 in America, when a black guy went into a diner to get some pancakes and was told he couldn't eat there because this is a family place and we want to present a certain image. Then, I get silence. The other day. I was sitting inside a Starbucks. I look outside and see a couple of tables with young women and their dogs. They had their damn dogs up on the tables! One woman was feeding her dog with a spoon and then putting the spoon back in her frappacino and then putting it in her own mouth. My god! You know? 30 minutes later...I would hate to sit down at that table and have a nice drink and a snack where that dog had it's ass and licking itself. I can't understand Starbucks management. One woman brought two small dogs in a large purse (handbag). She had the bag lined with towels. She takes the dogs out and puts them in the chair and proceeds to shake the towels over the table! Do you really want to sit down at that table 20 minutes later and eat? Why is it that I can sit on a completely full train/subway and have seats on either or both sides of me empty? Do I look sooo dangerous? Did I forget my deodorant? I don't think so.........
Friday, July 29, 2005
Art and Music In Tokyo

If you're planning a trip to Tokyo, you really should take a day-trip to the historic city of Kamakura, south of Tokyo on the Pacific Ocean. While in Kamakura, you will want to visit the "Statue of Buddha". Tokyo is full of clubs, lounges, bars and concert halls featuring hundreds of "live" performances each week. Also, there are tons of art galleries and museums featuring Japanese, Asian and international artists. Check out some of the links below. It's just a beginning into an endless number of art and music events.

  • Metropolis

  • PIA


  • Tokyo Jazz Clubs
  • Wednesday, July 27, 2005
    Meijijingu Shrine and Park

    On a recent trip to Meijijingu Shrine I saw this young lady in her kimono.
    Tuesday, July 26, 2005
    August 3rd "LIVE"...DON'T MISS IT!!!
    Had a great rehearsal today with Norihiko Hibino's 9-piece band. Recently, he released a new CD called, Akashi. We will be performing all of his original compositions from the new album. In addition to the band (2 pianists-bass-guitar-drums-sax-trombone-trumpet), Norihiko's wife , Ryo will be joining us on vocals. This is some of the hippest and most original music I've played in a long time. We will be playing a really cool club called Blue Jay Way. The gig starts at 7pm and the charge is ¥4200. DON'T MISS IT! August 3rd!
  • Norihiko Hibino
  • Blue Jay Way
  • Monday, July 25, 2005

    Recently while I was taking a walk near Shimo Akatsuka I saw this shop. That's guessed can take your dog there to get a shampoo and a blow-dry!

    I'm kind of busy for a couple days because it's exam time at Senzoku University. That's where I'm teaching trumpet these days. I'm off soon to do trumpet exams.

  • Sunday, July 24, 2005
    Tonight @ The New York Bar

    Recently, I went with my daughter to the stable in Saitama, Japan. She loves riding horses. We walked around looking at over 50 horses that are being kept there. This "guy" was getting a little frustration out on the gate....I couldn't resist the picture. Some days this is how i feel in Tokyo....when it's 90 degrees..85% humidity....thousands of people jammed into a train station...I'm late for an appointment...forgot my cellphone at home........

    Tonight, I'll be working with Paulo Gomez (pianist) at the New York Bar. Paulo is from Brazil and has been living in Japan for a number of years. He is a wonderful musician and a helluva nice guy.
    Saturday, July 23, 2005
    Podcast #3
    7/23/05 Updates and News About Neil Stalnaker and His Website

    Podcast #3 Take a listen to my new podcast! I'm playing a cut from my friend Hakue Kim's CD, Open The Green Door. Also, you can hear a tune from one of my recent LIVE performances with my quartet (Jonathan Katz-piano, Jeff Curry-bass and Masashi Tomikawa-drums) at Half Tone in Tachikawa, Japan.

    My Odeo Channel (odeo/fa33802b8a17613d)
    Friday, July 22, 2005
    Great Rehearsal Today!
    Today, we had a great rehearsal with the new East/West Unit project. Hakuei Kim on piano, Jeff Curry on bass and Masashi Tomikawa on drums. Today, we rehearsed 3 of Hakue's original compositions and 1 of my new tunes. Our next performance will be at Half Tone on August 12. Also, we'll be performing at other locations in September, including a tour of Japan that begins on September 29 and ends with a performance at the famous Yokohama Jazz Promenade Festival on October 9. Of course, I'm still working with my Quartet, Trumpet/Piano Duo, Trio (trumpet-piano-bass), Groove Project, Trumpet/Bass Duo and a new ensemble that I'm REALLY excited about, a trio of trumpet-bass-drums and very electric. More about that later.........
    Thursday, July 21, 2005
    So wassuuuppp???
  • hope you're enjoying my blog.....don't forget to take a look at my website: NEIL STALNAKER'S OFFICIAL WEBSITE

  • just havin some fun.......

  • can't be serious all the time.....right?
  • Wednesday, July 20, 2005
    I had a rehearsal with the Serendipity Big Band today. We are doing a gig at Bb in Akasaka on August 26. This band plays all Bob Florence arrangements and compositions. Bob Florence has a great big band in L.A. Serendipity is one of my favorite words. I started thinking about this word a lot after reading the "Celestine Prophesy". This is one of my very favorite books. Accidental meetings/events...? Coincidence...? Part of a bigger plan? Why does it seem like coincidences come in waves and/or cycles? How can we create more of these events or situations in our lives? What does our energy have to do with all of this? How can I adjust my energy level to create more coincidence in my life? These are questions that are addressed in the "Celestine Prophesy". of my favorite words.
    Tuesday, July 19, 2005
    A Guy Told Me Once....

    haha...I was playing my usual Saturday night gig at Chelsea's in Georgetown, Washington, D.C. about 15 years ago (1990). It was a great band. I played there for about 3 years in that 10-piece salsa orchestra called Peligro. One night, the trombone player looked over at me during a short rest in the middle of a song and said, "What is is, what isn't isn't." just knocked me out. It took my mind a few minutes to wrap itself around that idea.
    Monday, July 18, 2005
    Today I Miss West Virginia

    Living in the city is o.k. for some things. It's the place to be if you're going to make a living as a trumpet player. I grew up in West Virginia, lived a year in Boston, maybe 7 years in Washington, D.C., half a year in New York and now 7 years in Tokyo. Yeah, it's been interesting. Met a lot of interesting people. Played a lot of music. But, I'm very happy that I grew up in the mountains of West Virginia. It's always in my blood. Even while riding a train through Siberia in January of 1996, my friend and I commented about how that particular area of Siberia looked like Canaan Valley, West Virginia. I have often had the same thoughts while traveling through Japan. Of course, I'm aware of the jokes and comments people make about "Appalachia" but, I've found that most of those people have never even visited the place of which they are making fun. I'm always surprised at the snickers and comments I get from "Tokyo people" about my interest in these rural areas outside of the city. I've been lucky. Traveled to many countries. But, being in West Virginia or any area that is close to nature is where I find real meaning in life. It cleanses the spirit. I often go to rural areas outside of Tokyo. I truly enjoy meeting the people......
    Sunday, July 17, 2005
    Sunday Night At The New York Bar (Tokyo)
    I just got home from my regular Sunday night gig at the Park Hyatt Tokyo. Tonight was a lot fun. Jonathan Katz was playing piano with me tonight. Jonathan is a very busy pianist and bandleader around Tokyo. He has been living in Japan for 14 years. He came here from New York. I met a lot of people from many different cities in Japan tonight. That's one of the benefits of the NYB gig. In one night, I can meet people from 10-15 countries!
  • Jonathan Katz's Web Site
  • Neil Stalnaker's Official Web Site
  • Saturday, July 16, 2005
    Podcast #2
    7/16/05 Updates and News From Neil Stalnaker and His Website

    MP3 File

    Here it is!! My 2nd podcast. Sooo much fun! I hope you enjoy. In the future I hope to feature some music from friends of mine and maybe even do some interviews. If you have any suggestions, don't hesitate to forward them to me. See ya soon!
    Friday, July 15, 2005
    Great Gig at Half Tone!!!

    Just got home from my gig at the Half Tone in Tachikawa. Mannnn it was nice to play with Makoto again. We haven't played together for a while. He is one of the very first musicians that I met when I came to Japan. Everyone told me that I should go to his monthly afternoon jam session at the Shinjuku Pit Inn. I went and heard someone who had really captured the spirit of bebop. Tonight we just did a duo...trumpet and piano only. Well, I'm really looking forward to going to Half Tone again on August 12. I'll be playing with my new band called Neil Stalnaker's East/West Unit featuring Hakue Kim on piano, Jeff Curry on bass and Masashi Tomikawa on drums.
  • Thursday, July 14, 2005
    This is the title cut from my trio's cd, Improvisation#1 with pianist Joe Barbato and bassist Dave Pellow. Recorded this CD in about 2 1/2 hours at Audiomation, in Pittsburgh, November 1994. The engineer is one of my favorites, Dino DeStefano. This cut is a free improvisation. We just turned the lights down low and let it go.

    MP3 File

    One of my very favorite musicians over the past few years has been Nitin Sawhney. Sawhney is located in England and is a prolific composer, classical/jazz pianist, DJ, film scorer, orchestral composer, and on and on. I first listened to his CD, Beyond Skin and then Human Prophesy. It's really some of the hippest and most original music that I've heard in a long time. Please click on his name and take a look at his website.
    Wednesday, July 13, 2005
    A Busy Day-Off

    Woke-up a little early this morning and took care of some (music) business and trumpet practice. Went on a long walk from Kami-Itabashi to Shimo Akatsuka. Spent a couple of hours at the "Super Sento" (sento is the practice of going to a public bathhouse in Japan). They have about 12-14 different kinds of baths...indoor and and cold along with a dry sauna and a steam sauna. Once you try it, you'll make it a part of your life. It's GREAT! Afterwards, we went to Starbucks for coffee and some reading. Tonight, I'm just kind of hangin out at home practicing, exercising and doing some work at the computer. I happened to be looking at some of my photos and decided to put this one on the blog. This is Engetsutou Island, Shirahama, Japan. I went there last year and loved it.

    If you want to take a look at more of my photos, please go to
  • MY PHOTOS and use "neilguest" as the member name and password. This will take you into my online photo storage at Imagestation.
    ****This Friday night (July 15), I'll be playing with pianist Makoto Tedashita at Half Tone in Tachikawa, Japan. I hope to see you there!!!
    ****My New CD ...and now the "bad news" is being distributed in Japan by DISC UNION
  • Tuesday, July 12, 2005
    Hey Louie! Good Luck!

    My son Louie is on his way to New Jersey today to the Eastern Regional Olympic Development Program Soccer Camp. He will be competing with other 15 year olds to get on the Eastern Regional Team. Seems like the Eastern Regional Team does a lot of traveling in the USA and other countries. I wish him all the best! This photo was taken last December in front of St. Patricks Cathedral in New York.
    Monday, July 11, 2005
    Caught In A Bizarre Moment.....
    Caught in a bizarre moment.........

    My First Video Blog!!!
    As you can see, I'm continuing on with my journey through the world of blogging and podcasting. Today, I'm experimenting with videoblogging. It's kind of fun except for the playbacks, when I have to watch myself on the moniter.....yaaakkkk! Anyway, hope you enjoy!

    Sunday, July 10, 2005
    Tokyo Nights Podcast #1
    My first podcast! Please check it out. Music and news from

    MP3 File7/9/05
    Friday, July 08, 2005
    Check-out My First Audioblog!!!!

    Took this photo last October (2004) on top of Spruce Knob...the highest point in West Virginia (one of my favorite places in the world).

    this is an audio post - click to play

    Hey! This blogging "thang" is coool! I just thought I would try to figure out this audioblogging feature.

    I'll be playing LIVE with a quartet on Friday July 15 at Half Tone in Tachikawa. I hope to see you there. This will be kind of a jam session band. We will be playing a lot of straight ahead traditional bebop tunes. Recently, I've been playing a lot of originals. But, on the 15th we will play a lot of standard bebop tunes. Joining me will be pianist Makoto Tedashita. I will post bass and drum players' names soon.
    I've been using Skype for about 2 weeks now. Don't know what it is? It's a free download! Internet telephone service. I've called the USA from Tokyo and talked probably 20 hours in the past 2 weeks....for free!!! Of course the people I've been talking to also have skype loaded in their computers. But, I've made calls to others who don't have skype and the calls cost me less than 2 cents/minute!!! So, not only is the service free but, the sound quality is 1000% better than on traditional phone lines. I was told recently that there are posters in the USA, asking for donations so the US military members in Iraq can call home to their families. I sure hope someone tells the government about SKYPE!
    Favorite Cities In Japan
    In the past couple of years, I've had the opportunity to do some touring in Japan. I've found that Tokyo is probably my least favorite city. Places that I would prefer to live if I could make a living there as a trumpet player are:

    If you have a chance to come to Japan, please go to some other areas of Japan. So many people only come to Tokyo. Don't get me wrong. Tokyo is a huge, interesting and very exciting city. I'm very lucky to be living here at this time and able to actually make a living as a trumpet player. But.........
    Wow! Had a great concert at Senzoku last night. I had a chance to play with some really great players and even got to do 3 of my originals on the concert. Just woke-up..slept intil noon. I'm finally starting to feel rested again. it's time for my usual morning walk to Tobu Nerima, stop at Starbucks and have a cup of coffee and listen to a few new "podcasts" that I just loaded on my ipod.
    Thursday, July 07, 2005
    Senzoku Concert
    On my way to do a faculty jazz concert at Senzoku University. I just started working there in April. Seems like a great school. I'm very excited to go and play today.
    Wednesday, July 06, 2005
    All Nighter.....
    It's 6:55am in Tokyo. Just finished sitting at this computer for 9 hours. I've been working on a piece of music all night and also trying to get familiar with Sibelius (a new music composition software I bought recently). Time for a quick trip to AMPM for a snack...........
    Tuesday, July 05, 2005
    ahhhhhh....feels sooo good
    Just got my first haircut since last October....10 months! These Tokyo summers are so hot and humid, it feels great to have my hair cut so short. I wanted to let my hair get as long as possible. But, now that it's cut, I think I'm finished with long hair. But, I've learned to never say never............
    Got home a little while ago. Had a gig tonight in Tokyo. I guess it was cool. Band played with a lot of fire and passion. I'm just having a difficult time having a clear perspective. I've been "in the hole" for a few weeks with depression. It's been quite a while since I had to deal with this. It really makes it difficult to take care of a lot of my day to day business. I guess the fact is that sometimes I just don't take care of some of my business. It can be especially difficult doing gigs that are in a more creative environment. This isn't something a lot of people talk about and I guess it's not something most people want to hear about. But, it's real. It's my life. Anyway, having this heavy depression just kind of magnified a lot of things about the gig....the lack of customers...strange acoustics (which can make you feel like you're sounding terrible)...occassional wierdness within the band..etc However, I've been through the cycle many times in the last 9 years so, I know it will pass....sooner or later.
    Sunday, July 03, 2005
    Sleepless with the new Power Mac G5
    Since buying this new Mac 3 weeks ago, I feel like I haven't slept. My mind is racing with all of the new projects I can work on. This thing is ridiculous. I'm lovin' it...just need 1 good night of sleep.
    Blogging - first day's been kind of confusing getting started because of such a massive amount of information on the internet about blogging. we go.......

    Leaving in a few minutes (in a rush to post this first blog) to go do my regular Sunday night gig at the New York Bar in the Park Hyatt Tokyo. If you are new to my list, please take a look at my website at